Mummy To Baby Arlo

Saturday, 10 August 2019

Arlo is One

So this might end up being a bit of a ramble as I haven't written a blog post in FOREVER and frankly if you read my blog posts they always tend to turn into a ramble.. but that's just me hahahha

I truly cant believe that in just 8 days Arlo will be a whole year old! Its been the most amazing year and I cant believe just how much I love him..its been a year of manly ups but I have to say sometimes I do feel like I haven't been the best possible mum I can be..
So I'm going to start by talking about the shit stuff.. the stuff I've struggled with this first year and something I wish id done differently ! Now I know us mums tend to put ourselves down but as much of an angel Arlo's been I've defiantly struggled my first year of being a mum within myself, my biggest thing being I don't feel as if Ive taken him to do enough and now I'm back at work this is probably something I'm not going to get to change as much as id like to.. but that's my one goal as a mother and something I truly want to work on is getting the courage and motivation to take him places more often!
Now id say there's only really one thing id do differently that Ive discovered recently ( I've got a post up about things I wish id done differently) and that's in that inbetween age, older than newborn but younger than he is now, I wish id cuddled Arlo more (not that I didn't cuddle him obviously) but I wish I had pushed more affection on him lol purely because Arlo does NOT I repeat NOT do cuddles! you may get the odd brief cuddle but only when Arlo decides hahaha its a battle to say the least! I'm hoping when he starts to understand more maybe it will come with time! but it is defiantly hard seeing how cuddly other babies are.
Right now some of that slightly depressing stuff is out the way! ( I like to keep it real on this blog because its the whole reason I made it, to be real and talk about how I feel and my experiences)

The most amazing things this year have been.. well there's been a lot and its honestly the smallest of things haha, Arlo CLAPS NOW who knew clapping would make me so happy lol, don't get me wrong he doesn't clap for any apparent reason but I spent a month clapping at him all the time hoping he would pick it up! ( I'm currently waving at him all the time saying 'hi' and 'bye' but no luck as of yet haha. Arlo is pretty crazy sometimes and he makes the funniest noises! he growls or takes a big in breath before he's about to crawl somewhere and bolts off excitedly! its so funny to watch!
I wanted to add this year has been pretty amazing since Arlo's been here for another reason to.. My grandparents adore and love Arlo and it truly makes me so happy to watch because he makes them so happy and you can really feel love when he's with them and seeing your child with the people you love the most is pretty damn amazing..

So if your baby is the same age as Arlo or roughly the same probably like most of us mums you want to know if your baby is on track!
Every baby is different and Ive got to say Arlo can be a litte slow lol but these are the things Arlo's doing at ONE!

-Babbling ( ALOT) we get a lot of dadadada and mommom mom
-Sleep 12-14 every night!
-Crawl everywhere
-Pulls himself up and stands everywhere! Including his mum the human stand aid!
-He has 4 teeth ( 2 at the top and 2 at the bottom)
-Nothing he loves more than to open and shut draws!
-Eats everything and anything ( including old food that he finds that you don't even know about)
-'Boo' is guaranteed to make him smile
-Phone stealer

I would say the biggest thing I've learnt in this first year as Arlo's mum is that patience is key and just to be as calm as possible and just go with it!

Now I'm going to make abit of a bold statement here and no one hate me! But I want to add this in at the end for all your brand new mums and mums to be, now this is going to be different for every mum out there but for me personally I wanted to say I was told throughout my pregnancy this was going to be the hardest thing in the world and honestly.. this first year has been a breeze! not nearly as bad as people try to make you believe! Don't get me wrong there are stressful moments but its more for me and I'm sure you guys can relate the sense of responsibility of being mum rather than caring for them and being a mum? no clue if that made sense lol but hopefully you all get what I mean.
Ive loved every minute of being a mum, I was ready for Arlo and wanted Arlo very much and I don't think ill ever regret my decision to have him, being a mum this first year ( I know Ive said it five times) but its been incredibleeeee and all us mums are smashing it and I hope all your motherhood journey's are amazing.

Thank you for reading

Love Hazel and Baby Arlo xxx

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