I cant actually believe Arlo is FOUR MONTHS OLD its so crazy! Its strange because it actually feels like he's been here that long if not a little longer but then at the same time it feels like just yesterday I gave birth! I have to say I never in my life thought id miss and want sleep so much haha everyday when I wake up I feel like I need another 12 hours just to function but that's never in a million years going to happen lol a girl can dreaammmmm.... He's started doing subtitle new things he can hold things now not very well and most things he holds he ends up dropping on his face or on the floor after 20 seconds of holding it although saying that certain things he can hold well! He also holds his head completely now by himself! I have always been so blessed with him and for the first 3 months of his life I had never heard him cry as a new born he never made a peep not even when he was hungry now he's reached 4 months and started teething he's become a bit fussy and can cry randomly for 5 minutes in the day but that's obviously completely normal! He has also started to try to roll over he just hasn't quite mastered getting his legs over but when you watch him you know its only a matter of time! He has always loved bath time and he has now learnt how to splash and my god my boys strong I get drenched every bath time! Sleep wise he will sleep for longer stretches now he's older and has one bottle a night and he's drinking 7 ounces every sort of 4ish hours during the day. I think that's about the main developments I've noticed really but I have to say he defiantly knows my voice and me now for sure he can be sat with someone and ill say something or ill be talking and he just stares at me and the same when I walk into a room bless him, its defiantly the best feeling. Sometimes I do feel like I'm not stimulating him enough but it is hard at his age and I try to remind myself of that. I cant even put into words really how I'm finding motherhood so far I know I love it but it is just crazy!! I have to admit am always comparing myself to others mums their always taking there babies to one baby group or another and going here there and everywhere! when I just about manage to get out once a week and rush to his swimming lesson on a Tuesday! But i do always do my best and that's all you can do as a mum and I do know deep down all Arlo cares about is milk so haha .Motherhood is really over whelming there's no break from it you know as soon as you have fed and changed them etc and you sit own its only a matter of time before your up again and the weight of responsibility can be hard and I do have my moments where it can be really overwhelming but you have your moment and carry on and I think that pretty much sums up motherhood for me! I have to say the stage he's at, at the moments is amazing he's growing everyday and those morning smiles when I go into his room make it all worth it and you can just feel the love you have for them.
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