Monday, 28 January 2019

13 Things Only Mums Can Relate To

I'm really hoping this can be a funny lighthearted post that all us mums can relate to and enjoy in a non judgemental way, I start by saying this because as a mum your judged or can be made to feel weather its directly or unintentionally through social media or family that your either not doing things right or your doing things wrong and I know I especially do,I'm forever comparing myself to other mums. And I like to think all mums can relate to a few things down below because we are all mothers and were not always perfect!

1. Forgetting how many scoops your putting in the bottle and just putting what u think in even if its wrong because 'one time won't do any harm' 

2. Carrying nappy bags and always forgetting to use them( probably why a pack of nappy bags seem to last about 10 years)

3. Knocking your child's head on the door when trying to get them in the car ( we have all done it)

4. Crying at 3 in the morning because you haven't slept through the night in weeks and wishing you'd never done this whole motherhood thing and then in the morning forgetting about it.


6. Letting your child watch TV for far to long because it keeps them quiet ( I am very guilty of doing this)

7 .Holding your baby's bottle for the first few weeks and then just propping it up with something because they become so heavy it feels like your arm could break off after 2 minutes and your hand starts going numb as their head cuts off the blood supply to your hand.

8 .Your child's dummy falls out onto any floor or surface and just wiping it off and say it'll be fine and give it back to them ( remember when they were newborn and they would spit it out on to the sofa and it would have to be immediately sterilised before they could have it back )

9. Baby is a bit sick on themselves at home and instead of changing them 7 times a day going ' oh it'll dry '

10. Some days your just counting down the hours till bedtime

11. Re arranging baby classes or groups more times than you care to say because you just wake up so tired and cant be bothered

12. Some days you just cant be FUCKED and you just stay In your pj's all day ( I have a few of these days when Arlo is sleeping badly)

And finally..

13. Putting your baby or child to bed and getting into bed yourself and really missing them and wanting to wake them up for a cuddle ( the things you want and the things you would ever do in a million years are two very different things)


Monday, 21 January 2019

What's In My Changing Bag And What Was In My Hospital Bag

What's In My Changing Bag -

- Wipes! x2 (of course) 

The first thing in my changing bag is of course wipes! I quickly learnt after a poo explosion while out looking at Christmas lights that 2 packs minimum is probably necessary! I'm currently using the Johnsons Sensitive as I have found them to be the softest and most wet ( perfect for delicate skin) Now Arlo has started eating little bits I'm going to start carrying a pack of face and hands!

-  Nappies ( duh)

I usually carry 4-5 nappies and if were staying somewhere overnight or longer than a day of course more, I'm currently using the Aldi nappies which I really like ( have to say they haven't been holding explosions well lately!)
- Bum Cream ( Bepanthen )

Although I always carry Bepanthen 8/10 times when I'm out I'm either in a rush or I just completely
bloody forget! But its always good to have in the bag 

- Nappy Bags 

Nappy bags are great for public changing rooms and for when you go to other peoples houses because its always good to try not to completely stink your friends bin out! Nappy Bags are super cheap as well and the scented ones are great. ( Also Nappy Bags always seem to last forrreeevverrrrr I think ive brought one pack since Arlo was born which is crazy) 

- Teething Gel

You never know when those teethey pegs are going to kick off or come through! 

- Spare Outfit 

Its absolutely inevitable when your out at some point with your baby and they either sick all over themselves or explode and trust me ive been caught out without a spare change of clothes... ill never be making that mistake again! 

- Muslin ( MUST MUST MUST)

Those early weeks you wanna be carrying at least 10 lol, I love a muslin and I still carry one
for Arlo now at 5 months because he uses it for comfort and sleep

- Formula Pot and/or Pre Made Bottles

For me it varies what I take but usually I do take both, ill take a bottle out with water in and then add the formula when I need to and of course depending how long your out for maybe take 2 but all formula brands do little instant pre made bottle which you can just tip into a bottle and its ready to go so I do like to carry just one in my bag at all time because sometimes you do over run and they can hungry so always handy!

- Bibs

I carry a couple of different bibs,  a dribble bib now Arlo's teething because he will literally soak them and just a normal one for food now but when he was younger I did carry one for milk but honestly I would always be a tad lazy and tuck a muslin under his chin haha you know you were tired when even putting a bib on was just to much effort lol

Spare Dummy -

Dummy's can just be the bain of your life and the shear amount of times Arlo lets them drop out of his mouth I couldn't even count so in case he drops it ( loses it) or what ever the bloody hell happens to the first one before I leave the house I quickly stuff another one in a pocket in the bag!

And last but not least!

- Their Redbook

This is super important I always carry it in the front of my changing bag just in case anything happens and although ill hopefully never need it always good to have.

                                                                -Skip Hop bag
                                                                -Nappy bags
                                                                -Bum Cream
                                                                -Teething Gel
                                                                -Pot of Formula
                                                                -Pre made bottle
                                                                -Spare outfit
                                                                -Spare Dummy

What Was In My Hospital Bag -

This is just personally what I took, I tried to be super minimal and not take stuff I didn't need

For You-
-I took one small suitcase rather than loads of different bags which I would highly recommend doing it makes life a lot easier!
-Outfit to come home in
-Pj's x2
-Toiletries ( I brought travel size )
-Phone Charger
-Hair Brush
-Maternity Pads
-Breast Pads - You will find you probably wont need them at the hospital as your milk doesn't come in straight away but I took a few with me anyway but not loads
-Pillow - ( defo a great extra to bring nothing nicer than your own pillow!)
-Lip Balm ( essential)

If you know in advance your going to be hospital longer your bag may differ or it will be the same
things but in more quantities. 

For Baby-
-Baby grows and vests x4 I took 2 of 2 different sizes 
-Muslins x2
-Mittens x 2 
-Car seat
-Pre Made bottles if your planning not to breastfeed
-Bum Cream
-Coming home outfit 

If you have a natural birth and all goes smoothly you should only be in for one night so what you need is minimal. This is what I packed for as I hadn't been told prior that my birth would have any complications etc and if things hadn't gone to plan you can always ask your partner/family or friends to bring Baby and you in some etc bits .

You Can Find lists of things to bring to hospital online as well here is a really good one …….. 


Monday, 14 January 2019

Arlo's 4 Month Update

Its crazy how quickly time is going now.. Arlo's just turnt 5 months old! He's changing so quickly and he's defiantly big for his age, every morning I pick him out of bed and he seems just that much longer and that bit heavy, 4 months was a weird  month really not a whole lot changed but defiantly towards the end of the month he hit a big milestone! He can now reach out and grab things! I wouldn't say he 'plays' with things haha but he will study them and just sort maul them in his hands for a bit or most commonly put them in his mouth!
 Teething wise he is defiantly in full swing of teething now he hasn't cut any teeth yet but the boy is a dribble machine and don't be fooled by my Instagram it takes about 100 shots to try and get one with the fist not in his mouth! To me anyway he doesn't seem to be to uncomfortable which is good, so far all i'm really using is teething gel but hardly ever as the dribble just seems to wash it away! Mostly just teething rings and occasionally before bed he will have some Calpol. We encountered a touch of nappy rash at 4 months due to him swallowing SO much dribble and I was extra bapathening ( defiantly not a word is it but who cares lol) him which is our everyday cream and although it wasn't terrible it just wasn't budging! I actually saw a post about nappy rash on a mother and baby Facebook group a few people recommended Metanium and honestly its a little tube of magic after only using it once before bed it was gone in the morning! I couldn't believe it and its only £2.50 so if anyone is  struggling with nappy rash defiantly give it a try.
I talked about his head control in his 3 month update and at 4 months he perfected it!
Sleep wise if you have read my bedtime routine it's still pretty much the same but of course as babies get older they naturally change and at 4 months Arlo started drinking his bottles at awkward times meaning at bedtime he wasn't actually hungry, so what we now do is bath,get ready for bed and then just straight into bed mobile on at around 9:30. I now go in at 10:30 every night before I go to bed and dream feed him. Over Christmas and New Years he was sleeping right through he was being great sleeping from 9-9:30 with dream feed till 8-9 ,however at 5 months that has now changed and he wakes super early between 5-6 for a bottle and then will sleep again till 8ish. Arlo's sleep is always changing and it can be frustrating at times when you feel like your going backwards and especially when you haven't changed anything and it just seems to be for no apparent reason but that is just babies they go by there on rules lol and have to keep reminding myself of that!
 Lastly FOOD at 4 months Arlo has been staring into our inner soulssssss whenever we eat! He can be quite content watching 'little baby bum' ( Mummy's this is on Netflix and honestly Arlo Is obsessed cant recommend it enough) and he will instantly as soon as I bring food into the room or start eating his head just swings round to watch me eat but I think for me 4 months was just to early to start weaning so I upped his milk an ounce and now at 5 months we have started but more on that on the next update. I have really enjoyed 4 months and seeing him coming into his own and his little personality is incredible and i'm sure Arlo's 5 month update is going to be even longer and more exciting!


Friday, 11 January 2019

To The Mummies To Be

Dear Expectant Mummies
 Life's probably a bit uncomfortable right now as you get bigger and bigger day by day waiting for your little bambino! And you probably have more emotions that you know what to do with! Especially you first time mumma's your probably feeling nervous, excited, scared impatient and well you never really know how its going to be until you go through it but I'd love this to give you a little confidence boost and insight!
 YOU ARE GOING TO BE FINE in fact your going to be better than fine your going to be great. I don't want to be one of those people that when you say your tired go 'you just wait', 'you haven't felt tired yet' because when your pregnant and feel the most exhausted you have ever felt its just not what you wanna hear haha BUT its got to be said those first few weeks are a whirl wind! And honestly for me those newborn weeks are a blur its like I remember but I almost don't and as much as Inwant to remember I also don't because god are you tired and in pain ( Birth is beautiful but to say your a tad uncomfortable after would be an understatement.. but more on that at a later date) it is a feeling like no other the sleep or lack of it takes its tole but the love that everyone say you feel is exactly what they say its going to be like! 
I don't always feel like a natural mum and sometimes you see or meet those mums that just totally are you think this is what their meant to be doing but if your worried that might not be you that is fine because doesn't mean your not going to do great and you wont love your child differently or any less.
 Now birth haha the only day that your actually thinking about well its tough, INCREDIBLE, scary and the best day of your life.Birth is broad and no one persons experience is the same so I'm not even going to attempt to go into it but from experience and how I went into birth is with no expectations and honestly I hardly thought about it my whole pregnancy I didn't want to have a plan or go in with horror stories and my birth was all the better for it, it was truly amazing and yours will be to! 
I have to say breastfeeding is tough and its not for everyone but I wanted to mention it because its my biggest regret I have I breastfed for 2 weeks and it was tough and its so easy to give up and just give them a bottle and that's what I did but if you want to do it please push yourself because its so possible and with the right the support it will only bring you closer to your baby. 
You've had your beautiful baby and now your in those whirlwind newborn moments its exhausting you probably wont know what day it is but precious, you will find the first 2 weeks your on this adrenaline and the sleepless nights are the tough but your okay it doesn't quite hit you and its almost a good thing because you do really enjoy everything its all new and exciting, I remember my HV coming the first week after Arlo was born to weigh him and her saying to me 'have you hit the wall yet?' I remember not feeling that tired and saying oh were doing really well actually.. You do hit a sort of wall and one night at 3:30 in the morning you think please stop crying.. I cant do this anymore I just want to sleep.. Don't ever think your alone every single mum in history has thought it and some nights 5 months down the line when we have a bad night I still do! Time goes on though and you become a PRO! 
Now I'm going to be that person and tell you don't wish the time away while your pregnant your only pregnant for 9 months and as much as your want to meet your little baby cherish this time you will never be closer than you are now,And once their out as much as your going to enjoy them your going to remember when it was just you and them no one else so rub that bump just a little bit more today it wont be long now 

(tip for boy mums to be PUT THE NAPPY UNDER THEM BEFORE YOU WIPE AND BE QUICK! you will find out haha)


Wednesday, 2 January 2019

Motherhood Q&A

Where's your favourite place to get baby clothes?
NEXT is amazing the quality and the designs but it is on the expensive side for baby clothes which is such a shame! ASDA is really good as well and a lot more affordable, Mothercare is the same sort of price range as NEXT but do some lovely stuff id love to get a few more bits from there. I don't have a Sainsbury's that have a clothing bit near me but I wish I did as I had things brought for Arlo from there and its great stuff!

What's the best thing about being a mum? 
The smiles in the morning! As soon as i walk in Arlo's room in the morning I say morninggggg to him and i get this cheeky grin and we laugh for a minute before I get him up, he's always super happy in the mornings its the best makes the being tired better lol. Honestly though its all pretty great!

Best nappies?
I've tried quite a few nappies not all of them but a fair few and I have to say its a difficult one because I've found different brands nappies have been good at different times and different sized nappies from the same brand can be completely different, I used pampers when Arlo was born and there size 1's are amazing I never had any problems and then when he moved to size 2 I used little angels from ASDA and never really had any problems but I wanted to see if there was anything better and I was recommended Lidl's Lulipi's and they were pretty good but they would expand in size quite quickly and be very heavy, I then went back to pampers size 3 at this point and they were just SO thin I wasn't impressed same with the size 4.. I also briefly used Sainsburys which weren't bad but at the moment I'm using Aldi and I know so many people LOVE them and I'm one of them!

How did you find being pregnant? 
I found being pregnant absolutely horrible I loved the having a baby inside me feeling and the bump but everything else was so horrible not going to lie. I did used to enjoy going to the midwife appointments I used to really look forward and the scans well there AMAZING! I'm actually going to do a separate blog post in the future as I suffered from a very awful condition when I was pregnant and spent my first few months in and out of the hospital. But it was all worth it for the angel I got at the end.

What's the hardest thing about being a mummy?
 I have been so blessed with Arlo from birth he didn't cry he's not a cryey baby if that's a thing? I know a lot of mum's struggle with it but in nearly 5 months Arlo's probably cried a handful of times he will let out a little cry to let me know he's hungry but he's probably the only baby I know who will happily sit in a poo explosion it doesn't faze him! but I would have to say the broken sleep I struggle with but even that I'm blessed with really, Arlo wakes once a night for a bottle at the moment and that's it! He really is such an easy baby but I'm sure as time goes on that will change and then ill probably face hard times so at the moment I wouldn't say there's a 'hardest thing' but stayed tuned for that haha. ( I was apparently a nightmare child so god knows where he gets it from)

Would you have more children and when? 
I would defiantly like one more and would love a girl, I'm an only child as well and ideally I wouldn't want Arlo missing out on having a sibling like I did,I've always thought siblings are so important when your younger its someone to play with and children learn so many social skills and as you get older I have a few friends that are best friends and very close with their sisters and brothers and its a big support for them. But saying that weather ill have another one is a different question.. The illness I suffered with Arlo I would suffer with every pregnancy after him and I couldn't even look after myself it would be a real struggle to look after Arlo whilst being pregnant so I think for me if I was to have another baby it wouldn't be until Arlo was at school and as self sufficient as possible.

Thank you to everyone that asked me questions over on Instagram I would defiantly like to do another one in the future when Arlo's a bit older!

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