What's In My Changing Bag -
- Wipes! x2 (of course)
The first thing in my changing bag is of course wipes! I quickly learnt after a poo explosion while out looking at Christmas lights that 2 packs minimum is probably necessary! I'm currently using the Johnsons Sensitive as I have found them to be the softest and most wet ( perfect for delicate skin) Now Arlo has started eating little bits I'm going to start carrying a pack of face and hands!
- Nappies ( duh)
I usually carry 4-5 nappies and if were staying somewhere overnight or longer than a day of course more, I'm currently using the Aldi nappies which I really like ( have to say they haven't been holding explosions well lately!)
- Bum Cream ( Bepanthen )
Although I always carry Bepanthen 8/10 times when I'm out I'm either in a rush or I just completely
bloody forget! But its always good to have in the bag
Nappy bags are great for public changing rooms and for when you go to other peoples houses because its always good to try not to completely stink your friends bin out! Nappy Bags are super cheap as well and the scented ones are great. ( Also Nappy Bags always seem to last forrreeevverrrrr I think ive brought one pack since Arlo was born which is crazy)
- Teething Gel
You never know when those teethey pegs are going to kick off or come through!
- Spare Outfit
Its absolutely inevitable when your out at some point with your baby and they either sick all over themselves or explode and trust me ive been caught out without a spare change of clothes... ill never be making that mistake again!
- Muslin ( MUST MUST MUST)
Those early weeks you wanna be carrying at least 10 lol, I love a muslin and I still carry one
Those early weeks you wanna be carrying at least 10 lol, I love a muslin and I still carry one
for Arlo now at 5 months because he uses it for comfort and sleep
- Formula Pot and/or Pre Made Bottles
For me it varies what I take but usually I do take both, ill take a bottle out with water in and then add the formula when I need to and of course depending how long your out for maybe take 2 but all formula brands do little instant pre made bottle which you can just tip into a bottle and its ready to go so I do like to carry just one in my bag at all time because sometimes you do over run and they can hungry so always handy!
- Formula Pot and/or Pre Made Bottles
For me it varies what I take but usually I do take both, ill take a bottle out with water in and then add the formula when I need to and of course depending how long your out for maybe take 2 but all formula brands do little instant pre made bottle which you can just tip into a bottle and its ready to go so I do like to carry just one in my bag at all time because sometimes you do over run and they can hungry so always handy!
- Bibs
I carry a couple of different bibs, a dribble bib now Arlo's teething because he will literally soak them and just a normal one for food now but when he was younger I did carry one for milk but honestly I would always be a tad lazy and tuck a muslin under his chin haha you know you were tired when even putting a bib on was just to much effort lol
I carry a couple of different bibs, a dribble bib now Arlo's teething because he will literally soak them and just a normal one for food now but when he was younger I did carry one for milk but honestly I would always be a tad lazy and tuck a muslin under his chin haha you know you were tired when even putting a bib on was just to much effort lol
Spare Dummy -
Dummy's can just be the bain of your life and the shear amount of times Arlo lets them drop out of his mouth I couldn't even count so in case he drops it ( loses it) or what ever the bloody hell happens to the first one before I leave the house I quickly stuff another one in a pocket in the bag!
And last but not least!
- Their Redbook
This is super important I always carry it in the front of my changing bag just in case anything happens and although ill hopefully never need it always good to have.
Dummy's can just be the bain of your life and the shear amount of times Arlo lets them drop out of his mouth I couldn't even count so in case he drops it ( loses it) or what ever the bloody hell happens to the first one before I leave the house I quickly stuff another one in a pocket in the bag!
And last but not least!
- Their Redbook
This is super important I always carry it in the front of my changing bag just in case anything happens and although ill hopefully never need it always good to have.
-Skip Hop bag
-Nappy bags
-Bum Cream
-Teething Gel
-Pot of Formula
-Pre made bottle
-Spare outfit
-Spare Dummy
What Was In My Hospital Bag -
This is just personally what I took, I tried to be super minimal and not take stuff I didn't need
For You-
-I took one small suitcase rather than loads of different bags which I would highly recommend doing it makes life a lot easier!
-Outfit to come home in
-Pj's x2
-Toiletries ( I brought travel size )
-Phone Charger
-Hair Brush
-Maternity Pads
-Breast Pads - You will find you probably wont need them at the hospital as your milk doesn't come in straight away but I took a few with me anyway but not loads
-Pillow - ( defo a great extra to bring nothing nicer than your own pillow!)
-Lip Balm ( essential)
If you know in advance your going to be hospital longer your bag may differ or it will be the same
things but in more quantities.
For Baby-
-Baby grows and vests x4 I took 2 of 2 different sizes
-Muslins x2
-Mittens x 2
-Car seat
-Pre Made bottles if your planning not to breastfeed
-Bum Cream
-Coming home outfit
If you have a natural birth and all goes smoothly you should only be in for one night so what you need is minimal. This is what I packed for as I hadn't been told prior that my birth would have any complications etc and if things hadn't gone to plan you can always ask your partner/family or friends to bring Baby and you in some etc bits .
You Can Find lists of things to bring to hospital online as well here is a really good one …….. www.bounty.com/pregnancy-and-birth/preparing-for-your-new-arrival/birth-planning/what-should-i-pack-in-my-hospital-bag
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