Wednesday 2 January 2019

Motherhood Q&A

Where's your favourite place to get baby clothes?
NEXT is amazing the quality and the designs but it is on the expensive side for baby clothes which is such a shame! ASDA is really good as well and a lot more affordable, Mothercare is the same sort of price range as NEXT but do some lovely stuff id love to get a few more bits from there. I don't have a Sainsbury's that have a clothing bit near me but I wish I did as I had things brought for Arlo from there and its great stuff!

What's the best thing about being a mum? 
The smiles in the morning! As soon as i walk in Arlo's room in the morning I say morninggggg to him and i get this cheeky grin and we laugh for a minute before I get him up, he's always super happy in the mornings its the best makes the being tired better lol. Honestly though its all pretty great!

Best nappies?
I've tried quite a few nappies not all of them but a fair few and I have to say its a difficult one because I've found different brands nappies have been good at different times and different sized nappies from the same brand can be completely different, I used pampers when Arlo was born and there size 1's are amazing I never had any problems and then when he moved to size 2 I used little angels from ASDA and never really had any problems but I wanted to see if there was anything better and I was recommended Lidl's Lulipi's and they were pretty good but they would expand in size quite quickly and be very heavy, I then went back to pampers size 3 at this point and they were just SO thin I wasn't impressed same with the size 4.. I also briefly used Sainsburys which weren't bad but at the moment I'm using Aldi and I know so many people LOVE them and I'm one of them!

How did you find being pregnant? 
I found being pregnant absolutely horrible I loved the having a baby inside me feeling and the bump but everything else was so horrible not going to lie. I did used to enjoy going to the midwife appointments I used to really look forward and the scans well there AMAZING! I'm actually going to do a separate blog post in the future as I suffered from a very awful condition when I was pregnant and spent my first few months in and out of the hospital. But it was all worth it for the angel I got at the end.

What's the hardest thing about being a mummy?
 I have been so blessed with Arlo from birth he didn't cry he's not a cryey baby if that's a thing? I know a lot of mum's struggle with it but in nearly 5 months Arlo's probably cried a handful of times he will let out a little cry to let me know he's hungry but he's probably the only baby I know who will happily sit in a poo explosion it doesn't faze him! but I would have to say the broken sleep I struggle with but even that I'm blessed with really, Arlo wakes once a night for a bottle at the moment and that's it! He really is such an easy baby but I'm sure as time goes on that will change and then ill probably face hard times so at the moment I wouldn't say there's a 'hardest thing' but stayed tuned for that haha. ( I was apparently a nightmare child so god knows where he gets it from)

Would you have more children and when? 
I would defiantly like one more and would love a girl, I'm an only child as well and ideally I wouldn't want Arlo missing out on having a sibling like I did,I've always thought siblings are so important when your younger its someone to play with and children learn so many social skills and as you get older I have a few friends that are best friends and very close with their sisters and brothers and its a big support for them. But saying that weather ill have another one is a different question.. The illness I suffered with Arlo I would suffer with every pregnancy after him and I couldn't even look after myself it would be a real struggle to look after Arlo whilst being pregnant so I think for me if I was to have another baby it wouldn't be until Arlo was at school and as self sufficient as possible.

Thank you to everyone that asked me questions over on Instagram I would defiantly like to do another one in the future when Arlo's a bit older!


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