Monday 14 January 2019

Arlo's 4 Month Update

Its crazy how quickly time is going now.. Arlo's just turnt 5 months old! He's changing so quickly and he's defiantly big for his age, every morning I pick him out of bed and he seems just that much longer and that bit heavy, 4 months was a weird  month really not a whole lot changed but defiantly towards the end of the month he hit a big milestone! He can now reach out and grab things! I wouldn't say he 'plays' with things haha but he will study them and just sort maul them in his hands for a bit or most commonly put them in his mouth!
 Teething wise he is defiantly in full swing of teething now he hasn't cut any teeth yet but the boy is a dribble machine and don't be fooled by my Instagram it takes about 100 shots to try and get one with the fist not in his mouth! To me anyway he doesn't seem to be to uncomfortable which is good, so far all i'm really using is teething gel but hardly ever as the dribble just seems to wash it away! Mostly just teething rings and occasionally before bed he will have some Calpol. We encountered a touch of nappy rash at 4 months due to him swallowing SO much dribble and I was extra bapathening ( defiantly not a word is it but who cares lol) him which is our everyday cream and although it wasn't terrible it just wasn't budging! I actually saw a post about nappy rash on a mother and baby Facebook group a few people recommended Metanium and honestly its a little tube of magic after only using it once before bed it was gone in the morning! I couldn't believe it and its only £2.50 so if anyone is  struggling with nappy rash defiantly give it a try.
I talked about his head control in his 3 month update and at 4 months he perfected it!
Sleep wise if you have read my bedtime routine it's still pretty much the same but of course as babies get older they naturally change and at 4 months Arlo started drinking his bottles at awkward times meaning at bedtime he wasn't actually hungry, so what we now do is bath,get ready for bed and then just straight into bed mobile on at around 9:30. I now go in at 10:30 every night before I go to bed and dream feed him. Over Christmas and New Years he was sleeping right through he was being great sleeping from 9-9:30 with dream feed till 8-9 ,however at 5 months that has now changed and he wakes super early between 5-6 for a bottle and then will sleep again till 8ish. Arlo's sleep is always changing and it can be frustrating at times when you feel like your going backwards and especially when you haven't changed anything and it just seems to be for no apparent reason but that is just babies they go by there on rules lol and have to keep reminding myself of that!
 Lastly FOOD at 4 months Arlo has been staring into our inner soulssssss whenever we eat! He can be quite content watching 'little baby bum' ( Mummy's this is on Netflix and honestly Arlo Is obsessed cant recommend it enough) and he will instantly as soon as I bring food into the room or start eating his head just swings round to watch me eat but I think for me 4 months was just to early to start weaning so I upped his milk an ounce and now at 5 months we have started but more on that on the next update. I have really enjoyed 4 months and seeing him coming into his own and his little personality is incredible and i'm sure Arlo's 5 month update is going to be even longer and more exciting!


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